Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Them fools...

I won. 
My main squeeze strolled in the door at around 12:15am on April 1st. Little did he know. He was about to be dealing with a monster. 
It started with the nail polish spill in the bathroom and the duck tape toilet paper replacement. 
He rolls his eyes... Good one wifey, you're so cute. 
So then he thinks he will just get some pjs on. Bah. Gotcha. Sewed them shut! 
Try and put your soft boots on. Ya can't. They are full of toilet paper. Sorry not sorry yet. Not even close to finished with you mister. 
Want some water to drink? You'll have to dodge my hair tie on the sprayer booby trap. 
I made you some brownies. They are on the counter... Just go get one:) they are home made from scratch! I just colored some paper brown and cut out the letter E a bunch of times. 
Hey wana watch a show on netflix before bed? Lalalalaala I trolled your computer and everything is upside down. 
I guess it's time for bed. But If you brush your teeth they might turn blue.
I don't want to drive my husband insane so I gave him a break to catch some sleep.
Don't shower unless you want to have red hair today.... 
And don't put deodorant on because it's actually mayo. 

@work the next afternoon... 

Coop make sure to answer every call because chewbacca is trying to reach you in the form of all your friends. 

Oh how thoughtful to bring me home a soda from work to shoot at with the BB gun. Let's drink them right now! But you shook it on the way up the stairs didn't you cooper. 
I'm the winner of April fools did you really think id fall for it. 

Now that you know who you are dealing with....Better luck next year mister. 

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