Sunday, April 27, 2014

Our dirty laundry

Oh man.... Sometimes life is a sucker fish and you are a mossy sea plant. In those situations it's best to hit your knees. Or read some inspiring words from God's prophet! 
This quote might seem a bit random but to me right now it is perfectly simple and profound. 
It's easy to end up with a big old pile of sins of ommition. I don't help others as much as I should, I skip my scriptures some days, I ignore people I could befriend, I nitpick, gossip, and tell white lies..The list goes on..  
The gospel of Jesus Christ requires us to become better each day and to reach and yearn for our great and beautiful potential. Well, lately I know that I have not been trying in the least bit to come outside my cozy comfort shell.
How beautiful my heart felt when I started to ponder my personal repentance goals. 
I don't have to stay a shmuck!!! I can do better! And if it becomes hard, Jesus Christ and the warm courage that accompanies his spirit will strengthen me to do what's right. 
Some super random trials and awkward situations have appeared in the past few weeks as opportunities for growth in a scary disguise. I concord them! 
I'm going to admit right now that I'm pretty horrible at this whole blog thing. But I think I need it that's why I don't publish every single post because lots of this is just personal therapy. I feel this crazy need to share with the world some of my thoughts but at the exact same time I want to just cover my 'silly brain' under a blankie and write in my journal. Who knows, maybe my house is going to burn down one day and I will be sitting there wishing I had blogged my memories. 
Today I want to shout out to the world how much I love God and his son Jesus Christ. There is so much debth, and eternal joy in the principles of the gospel. 
And if I could I would live inside the temple because lately that's the only place I want to be!!! (Hinty hint I might be requesting some of you to cuddle my child for hire soon) 
Secretly I wanted to mention laundry in my title so I could sneak this pic of my little helper in here. Bruce, laundry isn't for eating. 

Photo cred: Cooper 

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