Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Bruce's "responsible parent test"

We've been had. By our 5 month old. 
See this smiling stinker store? He had plans for us tonight. 
As usual, Bruce drifted off to a happy baby milk coma around 9:30pm tonight. Except then decided to wake back up at 10:30. Suuuuper bummed now because this is my hubby snuggle time with no wiggles to worry about.
So what could Bruce possibly need? 
Changed diaper.
Fed again.... 
And now he's wide eyed grinning at us. So I explained to him that it was bed time and he wasn't supposed to be grinning from ear to ear. 
He ignored me. Typical. 
Giggles and cooing insued for close to 1 hour when finally Coop decided to put the pinky down on the partying 5 month old.
Firburize. You're gonna have to cry it out buddy... Midnight party's at 5 months is not an option. 
Bundled and binkyed we stuck him in his bed and kissed him on the cheek. (Still beeming up at us) 
We closed the door and braced for the crying. 


We stare at each other in disbelief.
I peek in at him--- snuggled and snoozing. 

Face-palm. Parenting fail. 
He's a better baby than we thought and we've been tricked. 

Happy 5 month birthday Chubbers. 

FYI: this blog is mainly for me and family so I can have a easy fun way to journal and record memories about my children but also to vent and brag and laugh and just get it all out and expressed. 
So I'm not doing this for anyone but myself really... And if you don't really have a deep interest in my babies 5 month accomplishments, don't continue reading. However I want to have it recorded and remembered. 

The life and interests of baby Bruce Juice: 
At this point --- 
Favorite foods are milk, and savory things like refried beans, chicken broth, and sucking on steak. 
You think dad is hilarious (I have officially lost your undivided love and now daddy is just as great) it's ok. I agree. 
You smile almost constantly!!! I'm wondering if your chubby cheeks get sore from all that grinning. 
You are great at rolling from front to back and scooching in circles on your back. 
As well as crunching up when you want to be held
Stranger danger!!!!! But really Bruce, cut it out. The big doctor is jolly and nice as well as everyone else I let near you. Be a social butterfly buddy! It's the happier way to go. 
Sometimes mommy snuggles are just nice, huh. No reason needed. Not even sleepy, just snuggly. Tell the rest of your future siblings to be the same way. All cozy babies please. 
Grabbing is fun. Then the obvious next option is to eat it. Don't matter what. Hair, fake flowers, blankies. 
Thanks for the sleep bebes. You're getting pro at the long night time stretches. 
That sharp pain I felt the other day while feeding you ? I look down and chomper is smirking at me. 'Dont react.... Don't react Kristy... It will become hilarious.' 
But good job on breaking a tooth my little squishy best friend. I'm so happy!! This is going to get adorable. 

Ok that's all my brain can come up with for now. We're obsessed. It's EASY to find joy in the ordinary with a baby. 
Even when he tricks you into playing with him late at night. 

1 comment:

  1. YAY you blogged!!! am i your first commenter?! oh my word.
    you should put your link on facebook so everyone knows your officially a blogger!
